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m sorry, but some days I miss preppy. I really do. Seriously preppy. Preppy handbook preppy. When so many looks out there are laden with chain mail, studs, leather, skin tight, slinky, tacky, crucifixed or covered in skulls I start to reminisce about the good old days where a "night out" outfit consisted of a turtleneck, kilt (below the knee), cardigan sweater, knee socks, penny loafers, headband and chapstick. See ya later alligator....time to have a whale of a good time.

used to think it was really pathetic to see moms, or women over a certain age, in stores where they clearly didn't belong. American Eagle, Abercrombie, Limited Too and of course, Forever 21. Now here I am, a mom and many years past 21, and I'm shopping there. In my defense, there is something cool/chic about Forever 21's clothes, especially the Twelve by Twelve line. While the clothes may not last forever, there's nothing wrong with revisiting 21 now and again.
Nothing says cheap like ill fitting clothes. I don't care if you've got a CHANEL suit on... if it doesn't fit right, it might as well be an Ann Taylor knock-off. Alter your clothes to fit your body. Even the most inexpensive of garments can look respectable if the shoulders fit right, the pleats lay correctly, the arm length doesn't look like it was made for a gorilla. Better to have someone mistake that $60 shift dress from H&M for a pricey Saks dress than the alternative.
I think my kids are making me sick. I don't mean this in a bad way,, but literally, I think they're making me sick. I was never sick before I had kids and actually, I was never sick until I had two kids. But the constant hounding of picking up clothes or toys, the wiping of dirty mouths and cleaning up spilled milk and spaghetti sauce. The baths (does anyone else find baths exhausting?), the diaper changing, the sock pulling, the lace tying, the role of referee over the purple bunny that 2 minutes ago held no aura but now because one wants it has become the toy of choice? Ugh. And never mind the 2 1/2 year old who still thinks your bed is HIS bed. All work and no play makes Mommy a sick girl.
You know that rosy cheeked/slightly burned look that kids get after a day in the sun? Not the lobster faced, looks like it hurts kind of burn that adults get on their first caribbean vacation. No,, this is something altogether different and absolutely gorgeous. I'm not exactly sure how kids get that strategic red glow on their cheeks, but completely bronzed everywhere else, but who needs to know the exact science when there's Framboise Attraction No. 3 blush by Sephora. I swear. Moisturizer... Bronzer.... Framboise on the apples of the cheeks and a dash on the nose and you'll be sporting one "sunburn" that you'll actually want to keep.
Can someone please tell me when it became ok to wear pajamas on an airplane? I realize pj's are comfy and airplanes are not, especially when you're stuck in the middle aisle, but come on. There's lazy and then there's just plain disrespectful. It used to be that women wouldn't even go to the grocery store without fixing their hair, putting on nylons and heels, and finishing up with lipstick at the very least, and while that may be too extreme in today's world, so is wearing sleep-wear on a plane. If you have no respect for yourself at least have respect for your fellow passengers who have to look at you.
It's hot. It's sticky. You're sweating. But even still, summer is a great time to be pregnant. No boots to lace up, no sweaters to pull on, no heavy coats and scarves to wrestle with. Summer is so easy. Beach cover up, flip flops, head scarf and sunglasses and you're good to go. Enjoy.
Regardless of how you feel about reality tv, the Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo is worth investing 30 minutes of your life each week. Whether you tune in for the fashion, or the fashion drama, the show does not disappoint. An added benefit? In addition to getting a glimpse into the life of a top celebrity stylist, you'll likely discover a new respect for adjectives. I dare you to tune in and then not refer to your new handbag as "bananas" or "a-mazing" all the while telling anyone who will listen that you had to buy that vintage frock because "when I look at it, I die."

In case you were wondering,,, leggings aren't going anywhere. They're here to stay, at least through Fall. Which, if you think about it is pretty great. You can take some of those minis and make them fall friendly, you can rework one of those oversize sweaters and turn it into a dress, or you can add weight to a simple dress. And if you're just not a legging girl, stick with your super skinny jeans. It's all about the silhouette. But pleeeaase don't wear your leggings as your pants,, unless you're 5'10" and weigh 2 pounds.
What's the big deal? The kid wants to wear pink. So what if that kid is a boy? He plays with trucks, rolls around in the dirt and roars like a lion but has a fascination with his sister's old pink sneakers. Nothing wrong with being in touch with your feminine side. The younger the better, I say. So the next time your little boy strolls out of the playroom in a tutu or likes My Little Pony over GI Joe,, know that you're doing a stellar job. Real boys wear pink.

You're not so big that you can't spend a day walking and shopping but you're big enough that you can't quite reach those toes anymore. Perfect. Moms need a day off now and then, especially when it involves a little bit of pampering. Get the deluxe pedicure and wear something cool and comfortable while you're at it. Forget maternity,, GAP has amazing dresses that will take you through most of your pregnancy and keep you looking cute.
I'll admit it. Sometimes fashion is too much effort. The "right pant", the "right top", the accessory that's so cool it's not even cool yet. The layering. The shoes that no one in their right mind would put with that outfit but somehow they work. The quirky bag that 20 years ago would have been considered cheesy is now rocker chic. It gets exhausting. So on those days, feel free to give yourself a break. Sport a pair of no name jeans and a Hanes t-shirt. You can't believe how liberating not being fashionable is.
Once winter arrives you'll most likely be ditching those summery colored baubles for more substantial ones. Gold,,, chained,,, black,,, all work. This one from Lee Angel has all the elements and keeps it fresh. You can wear it with your power suit or your LBD, or with some straight wool pants and crisp white shirt. All aboard.