Saturday, March 29, 2014


The Lucy Black by imogene+willie
If fast fashion has an antidote this would be it. Zady, an online boutique specializing in goods with integrity, partners with artisans who care about how things are made and where their materials are sourced from. These jeans by imogene+willie boasts the Handmade, High-Quality Raw Materials and Made in the U.S.A. icons that Zady posts to each item to help consumers understand what they are purchasing and more importantly, perhaps, why. Buy less but buy 'good'. It's a philosophy to dress by.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ugh. There's not much I like about the Kardashians but it's time to fess up about my love for their Honey Stick Lipgloss. The colors are all gorgeous (Summer Honey is a personal favorite), the texture is just right, not too slippery or too sticky, and it honestly lasts all day. Put it on at 7:00 a.m. and it will still be there at 6:00 that night. Sweet.